
Well well well, would you look at us. Who would have thought, not me. We sadly have made it to the end of our journey and will forever be closing the door on lauren's coffee blog. But I do have one last hurrah for you all to fill the void that will soon be left in your heart from my absence.

This one is a bit more out of left field so hold on to your hats folks and lets get rocking.

Flavour: 4/5
Size: 5/5
Price: 4/5
Place: 5/5

Can. You. Believe. Yippon. Does. Iced. Coffee. And. I. Did. Not. Know. About. It!!!!
Bet its as big as shock to you as it is to me. We all know Yippon as a Strathclyde staple, and for being the place with the best salt and chilli chips in the world (and yes your honour, i will testify to that). But turns out they are good at coffee too, is there anything they cant do??? Honestly so impressed. After finally being able to convince nobody's favourite vegan, Georgia, to come to Yippon with me after two years of trying, I stumbled upon a glorious opportunity to let you all in on my shockingly wonderful find when I saw iced coffee on their menu. I love me an after meal latte to act as the cherry on the top of an asian food delight. And may I please point out, this is the ONLY place i have found on my journey of coffee discovery that has actually been able to serve a decent size latte. so THANK YOU yippon!! Also, hopefully anyone who has been will be able to agree with me but Yippon is the most relaxing and welcoming place ever, like you sit down and feel as though you could happily spend the rest of your 70 odd years of life there, raise a family and watch them grow up, fall in love and have kids of their own without even moving from your seat. Honestly love the place, and now I know they also do coffee you will never be able to get me to leave. 10/10 would definitely recommend to a friend. 

Well, this is it people. I bid you farewell. I'm sure you will all be gagging to go for a coffee with me now and enjoy my incredibly entertaining company, but please get in line- there is currently a 4 month waiting list. 

P.S. ill leave you with this picture of georgia's face when I came back with an iced latte. Also if you want to see her thoughts on loosing her yippon v card then hop on over to her (much less entertaining) blog: 



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