The Greatest Coffee Expedition Known to Man (probably)

Welcome back to the land of all things caffeine. This week we are changing things up a little, because halloween is almost upon us and we all know what people fear most - change. Also I just didn't have enough time on my hands this week to make a specific trip for a coffee o instead you are getting a mildly chaotic whip-round of the coffee chains that you all know and love and hearing my opinion on them which im sure you've all been dying to hear. Look at that, not even halloween yet and christmas has already come early.

lets kick things off shall we.

First stop: Costa Coffee.
okay, now this was a tough one for me. because I have have a long term distain for costa coffee and never, like i mean never go in there. But Georgia and i were waiting to catch a train and she asked me to meet her in there. So i though why not bite the bullet and give it another try because who knows maybe ill change my opinion on it. Long story short: i didn't. Still hate the place and their milky ass, flavourless coffee. If I wanted a glass of milk thats what i would have order. Don't really want to waste any more time thinking about it, 2/10. NEXT. 

Second stop: Caffe Nero. 
I from time to time go to Caffe Nero, most commonly with my mum. She says its the only place that can make a decent cup of coffee and i don't totally disagree with her. They always deliver on a strong iced coffee without fail, and out of the three big hitters they definitely have the nicest interior throughout, very Parisian chic. Although, they loose brownie points when it comes to their size options. They have 3 options for hot coffees so why only the one size for iced coffee?? Discrimination much? Anyway, would say caffe nero gets a solid 7/10 from me. 
(sidenote: they give you your coffee in a glass with a paper straw if you are sitting in which is better for the environment so props to them)

Last stop: Starbucks.
(although in this picture above you will see im holding a train ticket, now 

i never actually got on that train because i was waiting for my coffee and 

instead of just leaving and getting on the train i so desperately needed to get on, 

i waited, got my coffee and ordered an uber- that is how sad my life has become)
Now, i have to admit, I knew who the prevailing winner of this experiment was going to be before i even set off on my expedition. Controversial as this may be Starbucks is without a doubt the best in my eyes. No where else can I get a large iced 4 shot soy hazelnut latte. They are also the only place that allows me to order in advance and pick up on the way which is essential I my life because never will i be able to leave my flat an extra 10 minutes early to stand in a line and wait for my coffee. Just never going to happen, sorry. The coffee gods truly have delivered to me the wonderful establishment that is Starbucks and for that I am forever grateful. 10/10. 

WAIT, its time for the surprise bonus round!!! Ding Ding Ding.
How fun. 

Now, this could be considered a low point for me in lameness, which trust me the bar for that is set high. BUT, this was really just an excuse to procrastinate doing my essay for as long as possible. But as all credible journalists should (and yes, i consider myself to be so), I mist back up my claims with evidence. So remember, when i slammed costa for their milky coffee? well i compiled some data in the form of images that i gathered using the colour picker tool on instagram, how high tech i kNow! Now the evidence speaks for itself so please feast your eyes on the colour differce between the coffees from each place.

Costa Coffee

Caffe Nero


Need I say more. 
(now please enjoy these photos of me documenting my coffee experience because i took them and dont know what else to do with them except subject you to looking at me face, really is spooky season)

me, very dissatisfied that i am sat in costa
coffee with one of their milky drinks in front of me 

me, horribly failing to take a discrete picture
with my coffee on photo booth
 in the middle of a very busy caffe nero 

me, quickly taking a photo with my delicious latte
before the lift at my work opens up and exposes
me and my narcissism to the entire kidsware department

Tune in next week for your regularly scheduled programming.



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